Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Way too long since my last blog entry!!!

So it's been almost 2 years since I last posted any blog entries. I think it is a good time to start back up since A LOT can change in 2 years!

Mylah is almost 2 years old. She is talking more English now than her other foreign language, that we call Mylah-nese. Last week she went through the alphabet with me, repeating the letters as I said them. She had some minor mistakes but it only took her about 2 minutes to go through.

We bought a house in September 2011. It was official this time-we are home owners! Now that we've been here for over a year, we feel that we are so blessed to have been put into the situation we were in (where we lost about $3k or more from the last house that we were leasing with intention to purchase) and moved to Union to our amazing new house.

We found out two days after Thanksgiving (2011) that we are expecting a baby in August. We had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago and the doctor saw two gestational sacs but only saw one baby-so his first thought was twins. I did some internet reading and found stories of "vanishing twin syndrome" where you see two sacs on the ultrasound but only one baby survives. I also read a few stories where the mother went in for a first ultrasound and the doctor didn't see a baby (or a 2nd baby) but on the 2nd ultrasound there was definitely a baby/2nd baby there. I read the odds of this happening (with twins) is 20%. There is also a 2% more likely chance that I would have fraternal twins because I am a twin myself.
My first ultrasound was in the doctor's office and my next one is Monday January 23rd in the radiology department. I think it would be amazing to be blessed with twins and that it would make our lives challenging, but I am happy that I will be blessed with at least one baby that I pray is healthy.

I started working with a new department with Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) in November 2010. It is an amazing group to work for. I love working from home & having the flexibility in my position to work flexible hours from home!

Nathan started working for the Roofers Union in February. It is a dirty job but it has been reliable so far-he's had to work in the rain a few times and even though he'd love a few rain days, it is good that he has steady work with this company.

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