Friday, May 28, 2010

Updates and Story of Mylah's Arrival

So I haven't made a post since February. A lot has changed since then. I get busy & get on facebook too much!
Well we moved again, to the house next door. It is better in some ways but not in others. Good things about the house-level driveway, bigger yard/lot, walk out basement, and deck. Bad things about the new house-people that lived here before were DIRTY. They had black dogs (Rotweillers I believe) and I'm still pulling their hair out of the carpets almost 3 months later (with the carpet cleaner). They had roaches and we had to bomb 4+ times before we moved our stuff in. They kept their dogs in the garage so it smelled bad of dog urine. We got everything cleaned up and moved in.
The owners of the house we lived in before and the one we live in now, are the realtors for the houses. They found someone to move into our old house right away so I told them that we would be out on Sunday. Well, we had a little bit of drama because they came in on Saturday to move in and we hadn't moved all our stuff out. There was some miscommunication between two agents at the real estate company so they had to wait until Monday to move.
Now, we've settled into our house and we love it. We want to do a lot of stuff to the house but are waiting-because we're leasing until we get our financing. (Hopefully it won't be too much longer.)

I had my baby shower in March. Mylah got so much stuff! I waited until after she got here to wash everything-in case she came out a boy. I just finished washing all of her bigger clothes last week. There were a lot of friends & family at the shower too. I didn't think we were going to get finished on time, there were a lot of gifts to open!

Mylah's Arrival
Mylah graced us with her prescence on April 15th, 2010. I went in on the 14th to be induced at 6:30am. They started pitosin (sp) and broke my water at 8am. Apparently I was having contractions but they were small and I had no idea I was having them-until they pointed it out on the machine. The contractions got worse and I could not stay comfortable. I kept getting up and moving around & they told me later that people normally don't do that :) so they weren't getting accurate readings on some things because I kept moving.
Finally, around 10pm (I think) I got my epidural (yay!) Things were terrific after that! I couldn't feel my legs (normal) - they felt like they weighed 200 pounds each! It was such a weird feeling. At one time the nurse came in and my leg fell off the bed. I could not lift it back up-it was kind of funny.
The nurse had a feeling I wouldn't progress well since it took me from 8am-10pm to go from 1cm dilated to 4cm. Well...she was wrong. She came in a few times to check me and was surprised at the change (yay me). :)
By 6am, I was dilated fully and they wanted me to start pushing. I think around 7am was when I started pushing. I could not feel anything (waist down) so I wasn't doing a very good job. They decided they were going to take my epidural off so I could try to push. 30 min later I could feel my legs and move them on my own. I started pushing and pushed for an hour. By 9am my epidural had worn off completely. I was in more pain than the night before when I thought it was really bad. I told the nurse that I couldn't do it. She wasn't very sympathetic with me. I think I remember her saying, "Well, you kind of have to do it now." Dr. Potts had been in there earlier and mentioned if nothing progressed in an hour, he may have to do a c-section. At this point, I was thinking in my head I give up, give me a c-section. I guess I'm a whimp, oh well. He came back and saw nothing had changed (I was technically in labor for 24 hours so he didn't want to keep me in labor longer). He told me about the c-section but I couldn't concentrate because I was only thinking about pain and how I wanted it to go away!
They decided to give me another epidural (I was already hooked up for it anyway). It took affect right away but when I got into the operating room I could feel them poking my belly. So they had to knock me out. I remember waking up and being in recovery and I couldn't talk. Apparently Cindy told me as they wheeled me out, that Mylah was beautiful and I pulled my breathing tube out and laughed at her-don't really remember this!
I got back to my room around noon and finally got to hold my baby. She was prettier than I expected and had lots of hair! I didn't get to witness her cone head, but we have pictures to show that she had one for a bit.
We stayed in the hospital Wednesday (when we went in for induction) through Sunday. We had to wait for a bilibed for Mylah's jaundice. We ended up leaving the hospital around 4:30pm after waiting about 5 hours or more for the guy to deliver the bed-that was ridiculous.
Home with Mylah
Now Mylah is 6 weeks old. Time has flown by! She was born 8 lb 15 oz and was 21.5 in long. We left the hospital with her being 8 lb 4 oz. (Sunday). By Thursday, she was up to 8 lb 10 oz! At her 1 month appointment last week, she was 11 lb 8 oz, 22.2 in long. Her head also grew an inch in circumference.
She is pretty wonderful and we are getting her schedule down pretty well. We can also figure out what her cries mean by process of elimination! :)
Back to Work
I went back to work on Tuesday. I work from home but have to have a baby sitter. Nathan takes her to his mom at his grandparents' house in the morning. Her being gone made me miss her more and want to cuddle her when she got home.
I've gotten used to things at work but still would rather be off work spending time with my baby. I'm lucky that I get 2 days off during the week and one weekend day off to spend with her.

I will post pictures later!

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