Friday, May 14, 2021

Back to Blogging - Dear "Friend"

 So while this is my "family" blog that I haven't touched in some time, I'm going to start back at it. There are somethings I want to post on Facebook but really don't want to post to "everyone" but will post to those who will spend the time to read what I have to say. In a way, I'm limiting my audience to those who truly want to listen. :) 

Dear “Friend,” 

When you talk openly to your “friends” about your marital life and then take your wedding ring off when going to a bar, you should expect your friends to tell your husband. I would expect the same to be done to me if I did that (or if it were reversed, being done to me.) I reached out amicably to both parties to suggest you work it out and talk to someone only to be told it was none of my business, even though you were openly talking about it, bashing your spouse days before. However, when you are friends with a couple you don’t just take sides with the one you’ve been friends with longest. When one friend pleads with me to try and get you to talk to them, their spouse, to try to help their marriage you listen to what they have to say. By not listening to them and alienating them simply bc “we’ve been friends longer,” this could put them down a path of depression and potentially suicide. Now, we are no longer Facebook friends by your choice. I just hope that since you won’t talk to me (possibly because you don’t want to be told the truth, because I’ll tell you it - in the nicest way), I hope that you figure things out for yourself. I’m sorry that you felt the need to unfriend me for either a difference of opinion, difference of views of fidelity, things that someone else said, or simply because you can’t be friends with someone who wants to also be friends with your spouse. Maybe someone will screenshot this and send it to you. Or maybe you'll read the blog yourself. I feel you should be wary of your actions and how they may impact the image you care so much about.

Sincerely - Your Friend Sarah